A 15 page A4 published book (ISBN nubmer 0-9538943-0-4), written at 6 years old as a true believer in Santa Claus. This is a press photograph of the auther, aged 10 years, at the time of the publication.


A modern day nursery rhyme story, beautifully illustrated, about a child's encounter with an unhelpful and grumpy Santa.

Author at 10

Azzers immediately realises Santa will need some persuasion to get his presents as he is already proving difficult.

"Wow, Santa" Azzers says.
What did you expect? The Easter Bunny?" Santa replies sarcastically.

Illustration 1

So Azzers tries every 'trick in the book' to win Santa over, including bribing,
crying, insulting and even giving him a glass of beer!

"Give me the presents and i will give you back the pheasants" (Azzers)
"My rabbit died and we cried" (Azzers)
"Santa was unhappy because he had lost his nappy" (Azzers)

Things seem to be improving for a while.

"He sat in his chair and drank the beer.
He said, "Here is a present for you dear" (Santa)

Illustration 2

Finally Santa gives Azzers a useless array of presents

"I thought I would have a dog that was a hog!" (Azzers)

Unfortunately there is a fire destroying some games that Santa had given him; but who was to blame?

"It wasn't me, said the little flea.
The spider came at ate the flea and said, "It was me"."

Dreams create many emotional forces, so Azzers was relieved when he woke up
and found, "His parents standing there with all his presents around the chair".

Illustration 3

If you wish to see more work by Charles Phillips, you can veiw this here